Topsky supply chain management personnel in China have spent long time even over three decades developing key suppliers that meet our stringent criteria for process control, process capability, and reliability. We work closely with you to know what your requirements are and ensure that our suppliers are provided with a clear definition of all aspects of meeting them.

Our own factory as well as our certified suppliers must meet a rigorous audit, driven by our 30 years of experience. We know what questions to ask in our audits, and we have learned what is really required of our sub-suppliers to deliver global quality raw material. It is more than seeing equipment that looks right, or yes and no answers in a cursory audit. We take the time to drill down to the shop floor cultural mentality, evaluating the very means which a potential supplier achieves their internal quality. We don’t look at ISO certificates–we look at the actual shop-floor methodology to ensure we can count on a supplier to meet your requirements throughout the product life cycle. We utilize material certifications for all incoming lots of material–BUT we also check the material in our own on-house material testing laboratory to “trust but verify”–doubly insuring your low-risk supply chain.